The Drifter is the main character in the Terra Nova project i've been working on. He is a Legionnaire deserter, who has been living off the hostile Terran landscape for years, mingling with the locales and wandering around aimlessly.... this is just some playing around trying to find some sort of iconic look for him, probably nowhere close to what he'll end up looking like... these are always so fun to do! :D
i've always thought that centaurs that looked like a draft horse with its head cut off and replaced with the upper body of a muscle-bound human to be kinda lame... so i tried to give this guy some uniqueness to his anatomy, familiar enough to be recognizable, but strange enough to be interesting.....
the first of a few new mid level paintings i've been doing recently . not really a speedie, not really fully rendered, but somewhere in between. Im trying to force myself to be a quick and decisive painter, and not fret over little imperfections and just try and nail the design, and set a mood with as few brush strokes as possible.